Friday, November 17, 2017

A visit from Nice Nurse

Nice Nurse came to visit PreSchool and taught us the importance of good handwashing....


Wash, Wash, Wash your hands...
Thumbs and Fingers too.
Rub a dub, rub a dub, that's the thing to do!

Image result for preschool hand washing

Monday, November 6, 2017

Risk Taking

The PreSchoolers were challenged to climb along the Rock-Wall in
 the DeFrancis gymnasium during our Gym Class!  

 Providing these opportunities for developmentally appropriate physically challenging activities which involve safe risk taking help children to build and broaden their strength, fitness levels, physical skills and coordination.

While we encourage our students to take risks in their thinking and doing, they are discovering the importance of trial and error in their learning, as well as being challenged to use problem solving skills that build their persistence and creativity.

Children can develop resilience and social competence from taking risks when working or playing with others.

Bravo PreSchool!